Memory is a child walking along a seashore. You never can tell what small pebble it will pick up and store away among its treasured things. ~Pierce Harris

Welcome to the Grassy Valley Antiques "official" blog. We are an antique and vintage marketplace located in the heart of Fountain City, TN. Our store is comprised of vendors who scour the globe for treasures, modern day pirates without the peg legs and scurvy. They hear the echoes of the past whispered by items that are vital and useful and not ready to be relegated to spend eternity in some dusty attic. You can read about some of our latest discoveries here, or you can come see for yourself. Who knows you may leave with a treasure of your own....

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Can you see me?

Mirror, mirror on the wall.... we have several fair looking glasses at Grassy Valley.  Each beautiful in their own right. Some are crystal clear and others hazy from age.  They sit on shelves, hang on walls and are nestled into the corners of our shop.  I have always had a fascination with mirrors. Eyes open wide, I find myself boring holes through their glass searching for answers about myself. These shiny fortune tellers give us a chance to do the one thing no other object can, fully inspect ourselves.  We spend all our energy projecting our image to others being absorbed by both critical and loving eyes.  Mirrors give us the chance to claim a little of ourselves...for ourselves.  It isn't vanity that prolongs my stare it's the longing for a little alone time with myself.  I need the opportunity to look into my eyes and ask myself the hard questions to which only my heart can whisper an answer... not "Was that wrinkle there yesterday?" or "Would I look better with bangs?" although, I have to admit I ask those too.

I touch the frames of the mirrors for sale and wonder who has gazed before me.  I'm sure if glass could really talk as it does in fairy tales, it would tell us what we all long to hear. We are each the "fairest of them all" unique and beautiful in our strength and courage to be ourselves. So, go ahead and gaze into your looking glass and have a conversation with the one we sometimes neglect the most. Yourself.

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