Memory is a child walking along a seashore. You never can tell what small pebble it will pick up and store away among its treasured things. ~Pierce Harris

Welcome to the Grassy Valley Antiques "official" blog. We are an antique and vintage marketplace located in the heart of Fountain City, TN. Our store is comprised of vendors who scour the globe for treasures, modern day pirates without the peg legs and scurvy. They hear the echoes of the past whispered by items that are vital and useful and not ready to be relegated to spend eternity in some dusty attic. You can read about some of our latest discoveries here, or you can come see for yourself. Who knows you may leave with a treasure of your own....

Friday, August 26, 2011

Fly Away with Me

I love to travel.  There is nothing more exciting than the beginning of a new journey. Suitcases packed, picking out magazines at an airport newsstand. The air so heavy with the promise of adventure it makes you giddy just to breathe in! Okay, so maybe I'm a little over-enthusiastic about traveling, I get revved up when I venture out of my area code. Still, it's the anticipation of all the new places to explore and experiences waiting to be had that get me through the mundane seasons of life.

While I'd love to hop on a transcontinental flight tomorrow, that doesn't seem to be in the cards right now. With a new business to get off the ground and a son in the public school system, I'll have to settle on other ways to soothe my wanderlust.  This prompted me to walk around the shop looking for international treasures that would lead me on a journey of the mind since that's about the only part of me that can take flight right now.

My first destination was Paris.  I didn't have to go far, only to the shop's far corner, to enter into the "City of Light".  One of our vendors, Cindy, is a lover of all things French and her booth is a true reflection of the elegance and effortless sophistication of the Parisian life.  These prints of Paris in the springtime make me want to step into these pictures Dick Van Dyke style and take a leisurely stroll along the Seine sipping coffee and eating a buttery croissant. Yummm.

Speaking of food, I also love these vintage Butcher markers!  They would make any ordinary dinner a little more French and therefore a little more fabulous!

Traveling down the hall I land in Germany where I have never been but can imagine these ashtrays as a staple in a smoke filled bar.  I love their vivid colors and sturdiness. Get one, or two, in time for Oktoberfest and add some authenticity to your celebration!

When you can't get to the orient, bring the orient home to you.  This sake set is perfect for anyone in need of a little Zen.  And, couldn't we all use a little more peace and harmony in our lives?  It even comes with its own mat!  The wooden case makes it portable for fun on the go.

And not to forget our fabulous fifty states.... What about this vintage shot glass collection to add some American pride to your kitchen or bar? 

So, here I am still firmly planted in Knoxville but refreshed from my five minute mind trip.  Sometimes all you need is a good catalyst to send you to a far away land!

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