Memory is a child walking along a seashore. You never can tell what small pebble it will pick up and store away among its treasured things. ~Pierce Harris

Welcome to the Grassy Valley Antiques "official" blog. We are an antique and vintage marketplace located in the heart of Fountain City, TN. Our store is comprised of vendors who scour the globe for treasures, modern day pirates without the peg legs and scurvy. They hear the echoes of the past whispered by items that are vital and useful and not ready to be relegated to spend eternity in some dusty attic. You can read about some of our latest discoveries here, or you can come see for yourself. Who knows you may leave with a treasure of your own....

Monday, August 29, 2011

Listen to the Music

We all have internal soundtracks, our own built in Ipods that shuffle randomly as we go throughout our days.  Sometimes they get stuck on repeat, which can be really annoying when it's an advertising jingle.  I have literally been "stuck on band-aids" for nearly five hours. Very irritating.  Still, the music inside can unlock parts of our souls that have been closed for years.  It can transport us back to times of joy or sadness.  I personally can't hear Madonna's "Material Girl" without remembering summers spent zooming around the roller rink enjoying every minute of free skate.  I also hold onto songs as badges of survival.  I can't imagine the number of women who have belted out Donna Summer with little mascara rivers running down their faces each word a promise of better days ahead.

My internal "Ipod" was powered up when a collection of records was brought into the shop over weekend.  There were several recordings of well loved musicals Including "Showboat" which is one of my all time favorites.  I've been humming "Can't Help Lovin' that Man of Mine" all morning.

I love old LPs, and have enjoyed browsing through the stacks scattered about here and there.  The cover art is so bright and vivid on so many of the records. They would make a really cool wall display!

For those who prefer to make their own music, well have we got surprise for you!  A beautiful Antique Pump Organ is featured in the store.  It was manufactured by the Shipman Organ Company of North Carolina.  The ornate carvings, grand mirror, and covered petals make this a handsome piece that would inspire any music lover!

Whether you're a little bit country or a little bit Rock and Roll, I'm sure that you'll find something at Grassy Valley that will spark your very own internal soundtrack. Happy listening!

1 comment:

  1. I have inherited an organ just like this one!!
    How much are you asking for the one you have?
