Memory is a child walking along a seashore. You never can tell what small pebble it will pick up and store away among its treasured things. ~Pierce Harris

Welcome to the Grassy Valley Antiques "official" blog. We are an antique and vintage marketplace located in the heart of Fountain City, TN. Our store is comprised of vendors who scour the globe for treasures, modern day pirates without the peg legs and scurvy. They hear the echoes of the past whispered by items that are vital and useful and not ready to be relegated to spend eternity in some dusty attic. You can read about some of our latest discoveries here, or you can come see for yourself. Who knows you may leave with a treasure of your own....

Monday, August 15, 2011

Penny for your thoughts

Okay, so most people don't looove scales. I get that, I really do.  But, this new edition to Grassy Valley does more than just register weight. This penny scale from the 1930's will display a fortune as well for all who dare to step up to the plate.  My fortune for today reads: "Practice charity and it will pay you dividends". Better than "There is no hope left for you, step off please".

This type of scale, manufactured by the American Scale Manufacturing Company, would have been common around the early Twentieth Century. They stood on corners and outside drugstores and reminded people of the importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle.  In the Thirties and Forties,  penny scales brought in over ten billion pennies annually, that's over 100 million dollars!
The amazing penny scale will be waiting for you here at Grassy Valley should you dare to give it a try.  We'll even supply the coins, if you're brave!

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